Monday, 1 October 2012

The second time around

Its been almost a month since my second year of engineering started. You'd think that it would be easier since it is the second year. Boy, was I wrong!

There are around 140 students in my branch in college. And out of those 140, I probably knew just 40 of them. Most of those 40 students belonged to my class of first year. But this year I'm in a class where most of the students are new to me. So, the awkwardness that everyone faced in the first few months of college is back!

One would assume making friends with new people would be easier now. But, it isn't that easy. I'm talking about people who have already made a bunch of good friends. The cliques have been formed! So its a completely different situation now. To make new friends, you have to be willing to wander beyond your group, which isn't easy for everyone. I mean, why would anyone abandon their comfort zone.

We've all finished a year of engineering. So its quite self explanatory as to why the students of my class would already be divided into cliques. But the worst affect is the lack of unity in the classroom. Inside jokes and bursts of laughter do not go without inviting glares by the the other groups.

It'll take time before some amount of merging takes place. But till then, all I can do is, rely on the familiar faces of comfort. After all, they're facing the same difficulty that I am.